The fees for the 2019/2020 season are as follows: $1000 with the opportunity to reduce your out of pocket expense by $400.
These fees cover all league fees, 4-8 tournaments dependent on the team, 2 uniform sets (2 jerseys, 2 pair pants, 2 pair socks, 2 belts), and other items every few years (helmet, bat bag, and sweatshirt).
Athletes are responsible for: glove, cleats and a bat (although they can share bats). Other optional items are: sliding shorts, sliding pad and a face guard.
Fees are due on the following dates:
August 12, 2019 -or- at time of team acceptance - $500
November 1, 2019 - $500
All Madness teams will have a team banner. A player may choose to find a sponsor for their banner, but are not required to. Up to $400 of your sponsorship money, turned in by November 1st, can be used toward your Madness Fees. Sponsorship money turned in after November 1st will be used toward your team budget. Each sponsor will be advertised on the team banner or all team banners depending on their donation amount. For more information about our sponsors, please see our sponsor page.
Fees are non-refundable and uniforms will not be issued until all fees are paid.
If a parent would like to take on a fundraising role, the Madness organization would support other approved fundraising efforts to reduce your personal costs.
Payments may be made by Check or Credit Card online.
Please make your checks out to "Motor City Madness" and include your player's team name on the check and send it to:
PO Box 1276
Novi, MI 48376